Understanding What Has Happened To Robert Kennedy Jr Voice?

What Happened To Robert Kennedy Jr Voice?

Do you also follow the United States presidential race? If so, have you also been noting that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the autonomous candidate, has an unusual gruff voice? You might be wondering now, “What Has Happened To Robert Kennedy Jr. Voice?”

To respond to questions raised by the public like you, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released a video on online platforms last week. He clarified why his voice sounded tight and cracked. So, in this blog, let’s explore the exact root cause of the unusual voice condition explained by him.

About Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. came into the world on January 17, 1954.  Also, he went by his first name, RFK Jr. Robert Kennedy Jr. was an atheistic environmental lawyer, legislator, and opponent of vaccinations from the USA. In the US presidential vote of 2024, he decided to compete as an independent individual.

What Has Happened To Robert Kennedy Jr Voice?

Many people who listened to Robert Kennedy were curious and asked what was wrong with RFK Jr.’s voice condition. That is why Mr. Kennedy talked about important health issues in public. 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released a thirty-minute promotional video on social media this week. He revealed his sound seems harsh at times due to a neurological condition called spasmodic dysphonia. 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. provided a complete and honest description of his life and everything important to him.  On social media, he was in a sense of nostalgia. The Democratic future president says he cannot tolerate the way how his voice sounds now. He says his voice is now shrill, sluggish and a little shaky.

What Is Spasmodic Dysphonia?

Laryngeal dystonia is another name for spasmodic dysphonia. Both focal larynx dystonia and spasmodic dysphonia are long-term disorders that affect voice. This disorder causes the vocal cords to be pressed too tightly. 

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Spontaneous contractions of the muscles are responsible for opening or closing the vocal folds. This produces a voice with breathlessness, exertion, or cracks based on whether the muscle spasm is the abductor or adductor.

Every SD patient has an unusual voice. Some people’s vocal cords are pushed too far away by muscle spasms. This makes speech breathy and almost unclear. 

Others, like Kennedy, suffer from forced or suffocated speech due to the laryngeal muscles pushing their vocal cords nearer together.

When Did Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Voice Gets Spasmodic?

According to Robert Kennedy, in 1996, he first became aware of it when he was forty-two years old. Before that, he says he had a typically strong voice at that time. He was capable of filling huge theatres with his speech. There is no need for an amplifier.

Exact Cause Behind What Happened To RFK Jr Voice?

Many think about why is RFK Jr. voice is like it is. Experts on spasmodic dysphonia said we just have no idea exactly what drives it up. However, there are a few very common things. These include 

  • uncheckedPerforming an intubation 
  • uncheckedEmotional or physical trauma
  • uncheckedDiseases, and 
  • uncheckedImmunization

In addition, as this is a so rare illness, it is very hard to put a cause to anything. But Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told the New York Times what doctors reported about him. We will discuss it in detail below.

Dead Parasite In His Brain Caused Brain Tumor

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed that his physicians noticed a dead parasite worm inside his brain in 2010. Due to the serious condition of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a friend started to worry that he may have a tumor in his brain. 

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Mr. Kennedy claims to have consulted with many of the best neurologists in the whole country.  In 2012, a statement was obtained by The New York Times. He stated that several doctors diagnosed him with a tumor after detecting a dark patch on his brain’s scans. 

The surgeon quickly created plans for Mr Kennedy to get surgery at the Duke University Medical Center. But, then he claims to have got a call from a physician with another view while he was packing for the trip. 

According to his scan results, this tumor condition was triggered by a worm that entered his brain, ingested an area of it, and now died.

The 70-year-old Kennedy informed the New York Times that he was in no need of therapy after symptoms of cognitive fogginess and memory loss. He said these issues were resolved, which occurred due to a parasite eating a portion of his brain.

In addition to both his brain parasite and mercury exposure, Kennedy has a very long medical history over many years. The disorder affecting his vocal cords is the main cause of why his voice seems tight and harsh.

Treatment Of Robert Kennedy’s Spasmodic Dysphonia 

One of the most popular treatment options for this medical disorder is the introduction of Botox injections into the muscle fibers. This brings together the voice cords back.

Kennedy stated that for almost ten years, he had injections of Botox at intervals of three to four months. But he declared the procedure was not an appropriate fit for him. He said this because he developed a very high degree of sensitivity to the Botox. 

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After receiving injections, he reported losing his voice completely. A few days later, it came again, but a little more smoothly.

However, in search of a surgical remedy, Kennedy also visited Japan in May 2022. His voice cords, also called vocal folds, were inserted with a titanium bridge by Kyoto experts. This prevents his vocal folds from rubbing into one another.

After that, he said in a YouTube clip crediting the improvement to both the surgery and other therapy including chiropractor treatments. He stated that his speech had become much better and better from the last year.

Final Words

Due to Kennedy’s voice getting harsh in everyday news, there has been a rise in online queries: “What has happened to Robert Kennedy Jr.’s voice?” Addressing the question, What’s wrong with Robert Kennedy Jr.’s voice? Got a lot of attention.  

Robert Kennedy had a rare neurological disorder called spasmodic dysphonia. This was caused by a malformation in the neuronal network of the brain. Kennedy told The Times in an interview over the phone I am sorry for all of those who have to pay attention to me. However, according to Kennedy, his surgery and other treatments improved his speech to a great extent.

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Sarah Gibson

Sarah Gibson is an author who wrote about Famous Celebrates located in the USA